Category making connections

Making Connections Produces Creative Solutions

I’m in the middle of reading The Myths of Creativity by David Burkus and I’ve just read a section that has hit me like a sucker punch to the gut and left me in a stupor of deep thought.  I’m compelled to write.  The portion of the book that I just read has a profound connection to one of the underlying reasons I write this blog, an experience I had with my Dad a few years ago.

You can read about what my Dad said about making connections in an older post, but I’ll summarize that story for the newcomers.  My Dad used to be a college professor, author, and lecturer.  While he was in the hospital a few years ago for a broken leg I found myself thinking a lot about an idea he would often teach his students about “making connections...

Making Connections: A Conversation with My Dad, Garth Allred

I realize I have a habit of constantly making connections between principles and this comes from my Dad.  He was a college professor as well as a marriage and family therapist.  I’ve been in countless scenarios whether it was academic, in the home, or in church, where he pointed out the need to make connections.  Throughout his career he has written a number of books, given countless lectures and talks, and has helped a lot of people and a good portion of it has centered on this concept.

making connections

Dad taught me about making connections

Yesterday I called him while he was in the hospital.  He’s in his mid-70s and I’m not sure he has much time left for me to ask him questions or pick his brain...