School Music Workshop

Register now for my music workshop at your school!

My music workshop stimulates multiple areas of intellectual development and helps meet a variety of educational requirements.  Following my workshop, schools have seen an increase in music participation by their students.

Originally from Hawaii, I have over 20 years as a working musician. I have worked with students from all ages, partnered with local and national companies, written and recorded multiple award winning albums, and my music has been featured on tv and in ads for brands like Nintendo.

Brands and organizations I’ve worked with…


I’ve often heard:

“I wish my students would get more excited about music!”

“How can I help my kids get started in songwriting?”

“How can I attract and retain more music students?” 

The workshop consists of:

1. A brief discussion on the power of music.

2. An exciting demonstration of unique live looping.

3. Collaborating with me to write and learn verses to a short song. Writing and learning a song will enforce universal standards of learning for poetry and rhyming as well as common objectives for creativity, collaboration, and communication.

Contact me now to book a workshop for your school!

How it works:

1. This workshop contains two parts and will be structured to cater to your school’s specific needs.

2. Part 1 is a pre-workshop consult. I will meet with your music teacher, librarian, and/or staff member of choice to discuss how I can tailor his workshop to best serve the needs of your students. 

3. Part 2 is the workshop. Following the consultation, I will provide a tailored day-long musical workshop for your students based on the consultation. The workshop is composed of multiple 45-60min sessions throughout the day. I can comfortably work with small groups or entire grades at once – whatever works best for your school.

Why am I offering this course?

I fell in love with music as a student in the 8th grade and music has had such a profound impact on my life. I want to light that fire for as many students as possible, in any stage of their learning.

Much of my success in other aspects of my life (social, academic, familial) can be attributed to the impact music has had on me. Very few things bring me more happiness than seeing someone get excited about music.

I want to help share that fire with your students so that it never burns out.

Contact me now and let’s book a workshop!