That cool dude in the sunglasses, that’s Spencer Oscarson on tour with Upstanding Youth in 2007 – like a boss.
Last year I offered to write an original song for anyone who donated $100 or more to my Kickstarter project. A lot has happened since completing that goal and so I’ve sadly been behind completing all the rewards. I’m all caught up now except for the songs I owe to some very special people.
Today I’m writing my newest song – She Gives Me Light. I wrote this song for a really good friend, Spencer Oscarson, who has been a huge supporter and fan of my music for a very long time. At one point he came with my band Upstanding Youth on tour in 2007 and helped out in so many ways. He shared an amazing story for his song about becoming a father and especially about having a daughter. I was so impressed with the special details he shared with me about how he felt to become a father. I really enjoyed writing this song because I’ve got two daughters of my own and every word applies to me even though I wrote it specifically for Spencer’s story. If you have a daughter, I hope this song resonates with you too because he too Gives You Light. Lyrics are below the video.
I was young & thought that I knew love
It felt like the songs that mother sung
When we failed, it smothered us in darkness
Who’a thought baby girl would save us all
She opened my eyes to a room I never knew
And filled it with love, the kind that’s always true
She chased back my shadows and the demons that sought me out
She stands up to the darkness with her smile
She gives me light
Sleepless nights now challenge all my love
For a girl that lifts me up
But her smile is warmer than the sun
Who’d a thought that this girl could be so fun
The sun, the moon, & the stars
Don’t compare to this little girl of ours
And the magic of her laughter
Will destroy all darkness from here after
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