Lullaby: A Song to Soothe You

I was living in Argentina when I wrote the song Lullaby.  I think I had been listening to Silverchair at the time because I never play in dropped D tuning, like I do in this song.  But those were difficult days of walking the streets of Buenos Aires, asking  people to let me into their homes so I could share something I felt was extremely important.  It was a time of immense rejection and unbelievable accomplishment.  Either way, they were hard days with lots of walking.  So much walking that I burnt through 4 pairs of soles on my boots.

In order to wind down at the end of a physically and emotionally exhausting day I would often play this song.  It has no words and it’s technically a bit challenging because of the picking, but I think that’s what I love about it.  The complexity causes me to focus on the music and everything else is pushed aside.  Time stands still, musical vibrations resonate physically and emotionally, and in that moment I  feel whole – if I’m in walking the streets of Buenos Aires or homeless in Hawaii.

The guitar I used to write Lullaby.  The same guitar I used to sing my wife to sleep.

The guitar I used to write Lullaby. The same guitar I used to sing my wife to sleep.

Music has a power like nothing else and this song has always reminded me of that.  At the beginning of my marriage my wife and I were semi-homeless.  I was working multiple jobs and going to graduate school.  The wife was pregnant and working multiple jobs – and we didn’t have a solid place to live in Hawaii.  At the end of the day I would pull out this old busted up nylon string guitar that was given to me by an amazing friend in Buenos Aires and I would play that same lullaby for my wife that I wrote while in Argentina.

As I write this I’m realizing the depth of the power that music has had in my life.  The same song that soothed my mind and my heart in Argentina has done the same thing for my wife during a time of intense difficulty.  I love to see the cyclical power that this song has had.  I hope that now, it will have a similar effect on you.

I’d like to share this song Lullaby with you for free.  A gift from me to you.  I hope the same soothing power that it had for me in Buenos Aires and then for my wife in Hawaii is felt by you.  You can also listen to it online on my Soundcloud page.

2 comments to Lullaby: A Song to Soothe You

  • Joe Hurtado  says:

    Very nice! I hope your friend in Argentina gets to hear this story and song so that he knows how much his generosity of his gift has meant to you and what you’ve done with it. Often time, peoples kindness may go unnoticed and or un-acknowledged which is quite a shame. He would be so happy and proud of you as I’m sure everyone here is. Keep creating!

    • Marc Allred  says:

      Thanks Joe. I’ve actually found some friends on FB that knew him, but it was such a remote town that I haven’t been able to track him down. Not for a lack of trying though!

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