Category Original Songs

Orignal Song: Hawaii Is My Home

Download the song Hawaii Is My Home for free HERE!

Background on Hawaii Is My Home

Ever since I moved away from Hawaii I’ve been thinking about writing an anthem for those who’ve left the island where they were raised.  A lot of friends I’ve grown up with have moved away from the island for one reason or another.  For those who’ve had to leave, there’s a longing to return, to remember where you come from.  It makes you feel like nowhere can really be home and you’re like a tourist everywhere you go no matter how long you live there.

This song is for all the people who’ve been raised in Hawaii, but had to leave.  Hawaii will always be home.

Original Song: Dance With Me

Download the song Dance With Me for free HERE!

Last year I spent a lot of time recording little snippets of songs ideas and riffs on my iPhone.  I didn’t really have the workspace or make the time to really work on them, but I decided to finish one of them recently and so below I give you my new song, Dance With Me.


Growing up a teenager in the 90s, I was into the band Stone Temple Pilots (STP).  Their song Plush has a killer intro and if you play the riff a little quicker, it sounds like a common Hawaiian Hula-type riff intro.  I originally learned the STP version and one day while fooling around started playing it faster and my buddy and sax player from Upstanding Youth, Tim Goshi, started horsing around pretending to do a hula.

So I’ve always had this fun little riff in th...